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  1. 当社に最も適した環境経営の実現を目指して環境マネジメントシステムを構築し、運用するとともに、定期的なレビューと継続的な改善を行います。
  2. 測定可能な目的・目標を定めて、生産性の向上を図りつつ、廃棄物・CO2の減量とリサイクルの促進、省エネルギーや省資源に取り組み、環境負荷の低減と環境コストの削減に努めます。
  3. 測定可能な目的・目標を定めて、生産性の向上を図りつつ、廃棄物・CO2の減量とリサイクルの促進、省エネルギーや省資源に取り組み、環境負荷の低減と環境コストの削減に努めます。
  4. 環境教育を通じて、全従業員等に対して、環境方針の理解と環境経営に関する自覚を促すとともに、要員に対しては、必要な力量を付与します。
  5. 事業活動に係わる法規制及びその他の要求事項を順守します。
  6. この環境方針は文書化し、全従業員等に周知するとともに、社外に公表します。

Environment Policy

Takane Electronics Co., Inc. aims at “corporate activities to contribute to build the society with constant development for the global environment, the happiness of people” as a global citizen by recognizing deeply our manufacturing and sales activities of wire harness, mounted substrate for electronics to be closely related to global environment.

  1. Aim to realize the most suitable for our environment management by building and operating the system with regular review and continuous improvement.
  2. Set measurable purpose and target while improving productivities. Make effort to reduce environmental loading and its cost such as reduction of waste, CO2, promotion of recycling and engage energy/resource saving.
  3. controlling hazardous substances properly as well as answering to the customer requirement for “Green Procurement”.
  4. Through the education of Environment, prompt all employee awareness of the environment policy and management. The necessary ability to be given to the personnel.
  5. Abide the rules and regulation, other requirements with regard to the business activities.
  6. This environment policy is documented, disseminated to all employee as well as publishing outside the company.